The Ashmore Scout Group was founded on the 17th of May 1983.
The first sign-on night for Cub Scouts and Scouts was held at the Hamilton Heights Scout Den in Margaret Street, Southport on the 3rd of June 1983.
The Group had previously held a parent's information evening at Benowa State High School on the 14th of April, with 30 people in attendance.
The joining fee was listed as $8.00.
Records show that the Group was provided a classroom within Benowa State Primary School for its first meetings.
On the 17th of March 1990, a major milestone in the life of the Group was completed, with the opening of the current Den by then Chief Commissioner, Mr Maurice Law.
The opening was a great success and signified the long awaited nomadic life of the Group was at an end, with the Group now belonging to Ashmore.
In October 1991, the Group welcomed their first Joey Scouts, with the first Venturer Scouts starting in March 1993.
Photo of the Ashmore Scout Group - Sunday the 30th of May 1993.

This is a full screen panorama photo, please click on this image to view in a seperate tab or window.
Photo of the Ashmore Scout Group - Sunday the 17th of March 1996. To commemorate the first Den Extension.

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The Group's Den Extension provided for approximately seven metres being added to the Southern end, allowing for Section storage rooms and a Leader's room.
Upstairs, this also featured Scout patrol areas.
The Northern extension provided for a shower in both the male and female toilets.
Photo of the Ashmore Scout Group - Sunday the 13th of April 2003.

This is a full screen panorama photo, please click on this image to view in a seperate tab or window.
On the 3rd of January 2012, the Group became a Chartered Formation of The Scout Association of Australia, Queensland Branch Inc.
The Group's Charter Certificate was presented on the 20th of May 2012.
Charted Membership indicates that the Group agrees to:
★ Increase Membership
★ Maintain adequate trained staff to implement the Youth Program
★ Operate in accordance with Branch Policy and Procedures.
Update March 2016: The Group has continued to maintain the conditions of its Charter, being re-chartered in 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016.
Photo of the Ashmore Scout Group - Sunday the 2nd of June 2013.

This is a full screen panorama photo, please click on this image to view in a seperate tab or window.
The Group thanks all persons involved in our 30 Years Celebrations.
Over 200 past and present youth members & leaders attended at our Den to participate in the activities on offer, from the jumping castle, giant slide, to the very popular prusiking and chocolate cake!
2013 - Kitchen Renovation
The new kitchen was re-dedicated on the 13th of November, to the memory of the late Joe and Sandra (Chile) Barker.
We may have started a new tradition with the chocolate cake!
2015 - World Scout Jamboree
July 2015 saw our first youth member attend a World Scout Jamboree, with Xavior attending this event in Japan.
This Jamboree also included tours of Japan prior to the Jamboree, and home stays for one week following the Jamboree.
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The views expressed in this website are not necessarily those of Scouts Australia.