Our Scout Troop is currently operating a waiting list for new members.
Please email our Group Leader to confirm the availability of a position.
Teenagers - 11 to 14 Years ★
Meeting times: Wednesday 7.00pm - 9.00pm
“Action Plus” is the best way to describe the life of a Scout.
Scouts have the opportunity to experience numerous adventures.
Many discover they have a special interest in one or more of the extensive range of activities and interests available in Scouting.
They are able to follow these through with the help of the Scout Leaders and fellow Patrol Members.
Scouting is a constant round of adventure, abseiling, flying, hiking, camping, canoeing and sailing.
Importantly, with the help and support of professionally trained Scout Leaders, Scouts not only face the action, but they learn to do it safely.
At Scouts you'll become a member of a Scout Patrol and your Patrol will work with other Patrols to form a larger Scout Troop.
Together you'll make important decisions, set critical goals, and depend on each other to succeed.
And when you do succeed, you can earn achievement badges!
Scout Troops usually meet every week to discuss their progress and work towards achieving their goals.
Scout meetings consist of team-building activities, playing games, developing specialised skills and knowledge, and planning for weekend adventures and campouts.
At meetings Troop members share stories and experiences of their recent adventures and offer advice to one another.
Scout Leaders teach safety lessons on how to use equipment correctly and inspire their Scouts to be the best individuals and team players that they can be.
On my honour
I promise that I will do my best
To do my duty to my God, and
To the Queen of Australia (or To Australia)
To help other people
To live by the Scout Law
A Scout is trustworthy
A Scout is loyal
A Scout is helpful
A Scout is friendly
A Scout is cheerful
A Scout is considerate
A Scout is thrifty
A Scout is courageous
A Scout is respectful
A Scout cares for the environment
★ The commencement for advancement in Sections may vary up to 6 months.
Scouts must have had their tenth birthday and normally progress to the Venturer Scout Section around fourteen years and six months,
depending on their individual readiness, socially and intellectually.
Scouts are able to commence their progression to Venturer Scouts at any time after their fourteenth birthday.
Extensions beyond age range may be granted in accordance with Queensland Branch Scouting Instructions (QBSI) Section 2.1.12.
Further information is available from our Group Leader.
The Scout Award Scheme provides the main focus for Patrol and Troop activities and gives suitable recognition to Scouts for achievement.
There are three levels of Target badges.
To achieve the Pioneer, Explorer or Adventurer Badge, the Scout must complete the two compulsory Campcraft and Citizenship Target badges, plus one of the six elective Target badges at each level.
Proficiency Badges: The aim of this system is to allow the Scout to develop in a challenging and interesting pursuit.
To achieve a Proficiency Badge the Scout must fulfil requirements set in conjunction with their Adviser and which include the three elements of demonstrate/investigate, skill and an activity.
There are 31 Scout Proficiency Badges.
The Australian Scout Medallion is the highest award in the Scout Section. It is considered the pinnacle of Scouting at this stage. To earn the Australian Scout Medallion a Scout must:
★ Participate in a Scout Leadership Course at any time after completion of the Pioneer Badge;
★ Demonstrate an active leadership role in Scouting;
★ Achieve the Adventurer Cord.
Youth members, young adults and Leaders are required to attend in full uniform, which includes section specific shirt, belt, scarf, woggle and enclosed shoes (unless otherwise advised for individual meetings).
Uniform requirements are available from the Scouts Queensland website.
Badge placement diagrams (PDF Format) are provided by Scouts Queensland on this linked page, or by clicking here: Badge Placement Scouts.
Scouts are to note the specific badge placement digram for the left shirt sleeve: Badge Placement Scouts Left Sleeve.
Parents and/or guardians are required to purchase a uniform shirt and belt prior to their youth member being invested.
The current price for a Scout button-up shirt is $44.95. These shirts are available from size 10 to 22.
Size Charts are available from The Scout Shop website (see link below).
Belts are available in three sizes; 80cm, 120cm and 160cm, with all sizes priced at $14.95.
Prices are current as at 26 February 2017. These prices are subject to change; please confirm current pricing prior to ordering.
All uniform items are available from The Scout Shop. Please consult with your Section Leader prior to ordering, as Sections may have shirts and/or belts in stock.
Scarves, woggles, shirt badges and Record Books are provided from Section funds upon investiture.
Parents and/or guardians will be required to replace any of these items at their own expense if lost or damaged.
From Scouts Queensland: The style of clothing to be worn below the waist should be tailored slacks or skirt; however, the colour requirement is that these garments for all official occasions and functions should be sandstone.
These occasions are defined as: Awards Ceremonies e.g. Queen Scout's, BP Awards, Leader Awards etc.; Government House; ANZAC Day; Any public event; Jamborees, Moots, Ventures etc.; Interstate and overseas travel; Youth Forums and National Youth Council.
Navy blue, grey slacks, knee length shorts or skirts may be worn for Group meetings. Neat, practical footwear is to be worn. Individual choice of black or brown shoes; boots or joggers.
All Members should dress appropriately for the type of activity in which they are participating.
New members are requested to E-mail our Group Leader prior to attending a meeting night.
To join the Ashmore Scout Group's Scout Troop please E-mail our Group Leader: ashmoregl@gmail.com
General information on this page © Scouts Queensland and Scouts Australia 2025.
The views expressed in this website are not necessarily those of Scouts Australia.